Monday, September 1, 2008

One Last Hurrah

It's the last day of summer vacation. Can you believe it?

I can't!

This summer just seemed to fly by.

I have to say, that after all the travelling we did, it has been so nice to stay home!

We wanted to kids to get to bed at a decent time, so today we just hung out at home and made a quick trip to the water park for one last hurrah.

They had a blast.

This has been such a fun summer.

Definitely one to remember!

And, of course, I have to have one of Troy. LOL!


Melanie said...

Man, your camera is awesome. Great day for the waterpark too! And seriously, how long does it take to pack all your kids' stuff up for the first day? We only have 2 in school and it took FOREVER!!

The Valentine Fam said...

What are you going to do with all your time?? :)

Good luck at school kids!

I can't believe the summers over. 3 months is not nearly long enough.

Awesome pictures!!

Amy said...

You are such a good Mom!

I planned to take the kids to 7 Peaks today for our last hurrah. Except that it was like 50 degrees and stormy today. Nice.

You know that turn in Utah weather that makes you want to read or sit in front of your computer all day? Ya- it's here- in September.

I give up. Make room in your basement. :)

Puhlman said...

YEAH one more fun time. Looks fun. WOW. Katie's eyes are amazing. They just pop when you see them. Where did she get her blue eyes? Anyway hope your kids have a great first day.

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