Sunday, September 21, 2008

Working Definitions

So, today at Church Josh and I were having a little discussion as the sacrament was being passed.

After Josh took the bread we spent a moment talking about what types of things we should think about during the sacrament.

I asked Josh if he knew why we took the sacrament. He was unsure, so we talked about Jesus and all that Jesus did for us.

I asked Josh if he knew any of the things that Jesus did for us. He said that Jesus made the world and our bodies.

I asked Josh if he knew what the most important thing Jesus had ever done for us...and he wasn't sure about that I told him that Jesus had died for us so that we could live with Heavenly Father again.

Then I asked Josh if he knew why Jesus had died for us. Again, I explained that in order to live with Heavenly Father again we needed to be perfect...and since we weren't perfect Jesus died for us to overcome our sin.

Then one last question.

"Are you perfect Josh?"

"Yes. Yes I am," he said.

Well then. There you go.


Lara said...

Good job Denise on teaching him important principles!

Couldn't we all use a jolt of some five year old confidence?

Brianna said...

I agree! That confidence is great! And actually, since he isn't 8 yet, isn't he perfect? Maybe he knows more than he is letting on :)

Puhlman said...

I want to be like Josh.

The Beatty Beehive said...

I am amazed how the simpliest conversations in your family can have such depth, understanding, meaning, and comedy! I love it! Some of my teenagers think they are perfect too! love you guys!

Kimber said...

I'd love to have that kind of confidence :)

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