Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Slow News Day

Well, our summer has just become one massive play date...when does school start again?

But, Hilary had this on her blog and I thought it would be fun...

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn’t matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog.

Now, I know I have a few blog stalkers out there that never leave here's you chance. Your memory can be about me or about a Troy and we will try and come up a fun one to leave on your blog.

Let the commenting begin...


Hilary said...

Ummm.... I'm not sure I can leave it here... but I'll describe it. It has to do with a sleepover where everyone was sharing a lot about themselves. I'm not sure it's my FAVORITE memory -- but def. a MEORABLE one. :)

Nathan, Mariann &Talon said...

One memory I have about Troy is when we were little we would sing the eddie cucha song. A memory I have with Denise that stands out has to be the Rabbit in the road. :) lol I love you guys and I hope we can make more great memories.

Anonymous said...

I met you at a regional church dance -- I think the building off PCH in Newport. You told me that you just had been baptized, and that you worked at the HB library. I think I responded by saying "You're a LIBRARIAN?" (emphasis added).

I always knew what to say at the right moment.

Charlene said...

A fun memory I have of you is our drive home from California, and we were playing the game about relating words? I can't remember the name of the game. Anyways, you and I kept referring to the word "ring" for Roger! Playing games with you and Troy is a favorite memory of you guys!!! It was so much fun!!

Paul said...

General characteristic: you always insist the kids pick up each and every toy they get out at our place but deride us when we try to have our kids pick up anything at your place.

Specific activity: Involved towels and a plunger. Hope I don't have to recount details.

Brianna said...

You were my first and best friend in VA. We spent Thanksgiving together at my house and then got up at the crack of dawn the next morning to go shopping. I had to bring Isaac with me since he was still a baby. You were in KB toys going nuts for deals and I just stood in the line and held a place for you. Once you were done I still had enough time to go to target and come back and you were still in line! We shopped ALL day. It was one of my favorite days.

M said...

Mostly I remember being the lone single person (with the loser boyfriend Greg) among your marrieds party with Amy and Robin. Now that I'm married, I wish you lived near again so we could hang and I could be part of your marrieds club!

Floyd Family said...

The first time you had us over for dinner soon after we moved to VA. You made that yummy golden curry (to which I quickly became addicted) and your magnificent spring rolls. Then Troy sat down at the piano and had us sing along. Mike was completely in shock. You told me your law school stories and I knew we had found good friends.

Anonymous said...

Which memory should I choose? Of course I'll always think of your spring roll parties (and letting Jeff cook them all because he's such a social butterfly). But my first and favorite memories were when we first moved to the townhouse and you brought us an ivy plant, then later showed up on a Saturday afternoon (I think I was pregnant at the time) to take me shopping. The fact that I could just leave Jeff with the kids on a Saturday had never before occurred to me. And then there was the time I was very pregnant with Gavin and you raided Target the day after Easter. You bought me all of the dark chocolate sale candy you could find and said it should last until I had him. It almost did. :)

Paulette said...

Great memory I have with you Denise is all our late night visits when Troy and the kids go to bed almost every time I come to Virginia to visit. Also, just letting me vent about life. Thanks for being such a great sister. Love ya
Fun memory with Troy...let's see so many. Coming to visit us each Summer and stay a few days with DEl. We would try to do lots of things not available in Hurricane things like riding the elephant at the Zoo. Love you Troy!!

Cheryl said...

I remember Troy at Senior sneak Day in Lagoon and at the Graduation party.
You were a fun, handsome guy--still are it looks like!

Puhlman said...

You wouldn't believe how happy and grateful I was the day you brought dinner. I had NO idea you even knew my kids were sick until later when you said you "found" my blog. It was so awesome of you. I also really enjoy your comments in RS. You are very profound and get us all thinking. You are awesome.

Jolinda said...

I remember your Korean BBQ Beef and still make it to this day! (Probably ate it at Robin's).

I remember going to Robin's and feeling like instant friends, cuz if you were friends with her, it meant you were great!

I also remember talking with you shortly after you lost your baby, what a sad time and an eye opener for me. Thanks for letting me be in on that when you hardly knew me.

I love how you are so genuine and easy to talk to...Thanks for allowing opportunity to share!!

Lara said...

I remember getting to know you when we served in the RS presidency together in the BYU 77th Ward and being in awe at what an amazing person you were. The awe has only increased over the years since then! (I also have a fun memory of a raucous bundt cake bonanza you hosted at your home).

Amy said...

I could write a book about our memories pretty lady!

OK- crack me up Hilary. I also remember that night.... I never knew there were so many different kinds of .........

And I love what Jolinda said too.

To Paul: Get used to it. It's useless to argue.... just smile and say "Thank you!" And if you still want to do what you want.... just be sneaky about it.

And here's my attempt at "a" memory:

Grover, Beatty, Huhtala dinners; 4th of July water fight; shopping excursions; week night husbandless walks; summer at the condos; how to host a murder party; Vegas Baby!; Countless baby sitting trades; your property manager; Tim McGraw #1 and #2; Hair shaving and coloring; hours and hours of great conversations, 7 Peaks trips, Emma's terrifying seizures; Joe and Haylee- the lover babies; Joe and Haylee's first date to the gas station (when they were 3); teaching Hannah to ride a two-wheeler when she was 2; you making Ed feel good about his Big Muscles.

Wow- I could keep going and going...

I can't imagine having any period for the rest of my life without a memory of you in it.

Love ya!

lbugsh2 said...

I have several favorite memories of you but my most special one is the time you brought a mothers day care package. You still amaze me how you manage a huge house, six kids, and still manage to care for so many other people.

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