Sunday, August 10, 2008

Sad Hearts, Lonely Dance Floor

We said farewell to Paul and Sarah last night...and I have to say that I am really going to miss them.

Paul and Sarah are a pretty great couple, and the one thing that really stood out to me about them was their great love for each other.

These two kids are really in love, and for a cynic like me, it's pretty great to see.

This affection and deep knowledge of each other was evidenced once again last night as we tortured them by making them answer random questions about each other and chewing bubble gum for incorrect answers.

They did so well, there was hardly any gum passed out! If it had been Troy and I, we would have had to chew an entire box before everyone would have even been able to ask a question!

AND, because Paul is such a great sport and really super about letting me embarrass him on my blog (and, also, because Sarah has such a great memory), Paul also provided the bulk of the evening's entertainment by doing the running man.

My only regret of the night is that I didn't get it on video. And my only consolation, is that I took photos!

If you click on this, it will get BIG!

So, while I know that this isn't the end, it didn't make it any easier to see them go.

I am really going to miss you both, your cute Ethan, your sweet Sadie, and your little dog too.

So, we won't say goodbye, we'll just the next dance for me.


Melanie said...

I'm printing the big version of Paul's dance to hang on my wall, then the Snows will always be with us! We're so sad they left us!

Paul said...

Denise. Thanks. We had a blast. Know that we are seriously missing the M-Town crew. Already have room set up though if anyone wants to visit. Warning: We already are wearing coats.

Sarah said...

Thanks for the sweet post, Denise. The party was so fun and we miss you already!! PLEASE come visit us!!!!!

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