How long have you been together? Since 1995.
How long did you date? Well, we went on our first date on March 11, 1995. We got engaged April 11, 1995. Troy left for a study abroad in Russia on April 30, 1995 and returned on August 1, 1995. We were married on August 19, 1995. I know it sounds a little nuts, but when you KNOW, you KNOW.
How old is he? 34
Who eats more? Me, always me. It's a little embarassing.
Who said I love you first? Troy.
And I have to say, I was a little mean about it when I said it back...
He had said "I love you" on the phone one night as we were hanging up. He said it so quickly that I wasn't really sure that he had actually said it. I agonized about it for a while before deciding that my ears weren't playing tricks on me.
So one night I said, "Troy, have I ever told you that I love you?" He was touched and said, "Oh, I love you too." To which I replied, "Oh, I wasn't telling you I loved you. I was just wondering if I ever had."
He isn't one to embarass easily, and I have to say that the look on his face was TOTALLY worth it. Of course, I quickly told him that I really did love him.
Who is taller? Troy, by quite a bit. I'm short.
Who is smarter? Oh the debate Troy and I could have over this one! When you have two lawyers arguing over something like this...I will tell you that I think that I have more common sense than Troy (to which he would TOTALLY disagree!). And I do have a really good memory, much better than him. I am also a much better speller. Troy is much better at math, and he is a little more analytical than I am. We are pretty well matched when it comes to something like Jeopardy, because we have different strenghts.
Who does laundry? Me. Always. I am lucky if he puts his socks in the laundry hamper. Sigh.
Who does the dishes? HELLO, the kids!
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? If you are looking at the bed, I am on the right.
Who pays the bills? Troy does. He "has a system" and it drives me crazy, so I just let him deal with it. I should be more involved, but it just isn't important to me right now.
Who mows the lawn? Troy. I don't think he would even want me to do it. He is afraid that I might mow over my own foot, or put a hand into the blades. For some reason, he thinks I am a klutz (but I just can't think why).
Who cooks dinner? Me. But sometimes, Troy does pitch in. Especially if it is something involving cheese (grilled cheese, macaroni and cheese, quesadillas).
Who drives when you are together? We take turns. Troy hates how slow I drive, and I hate how crazy he drives, so we share this responsibility.
Who is more stubborn? Okay. So probably I am. (I know some of you are thinking that there is no PROBABLY about this one.) But in my defense, I have to say, if it is something that Troy really cares about, there is no changing his mind. One more thing that drives me crazy!
Who kissed who first? Troy kissed me. It was really sweet.
Who asked out who first? Well, I have to say I did, but only because I beat Troy to the punch. He came home one day, determined that this would be the day he actually asked me for a date (apparently, it is something that he wanted to do for a long time, or so he says). So he dropped off his stuff at home and headed over to my place...but before he could leave the apartment, his roommates stopped him and made him go look in his room...where I had placed a candy bar poster asking him out to Preference (in two weeks). He said yes, and promptly asked me out for the weekened prior to Preference.
Who proposed? Troy. We had already decided to get married and went ring shopping. Only after he got the ring did he actually get down on one knee and pop the question. It was nice (better than nice)...mostly. He was late (because he needed a sandwich), and beat around the bush (because he was waiting for sunset). But these frustrations, for me, are typical of the things that Troy and I see differently. He is trying to be sweet, and I don't see it. Oh well. It just adds a little spice to life.
Who has more siblings? Troy. There are six kids in his family, only two in mine.
Who wears the pants in the family? Oh this question. We have been asked it before, and I guess the answer is that he does...in some things...and I do in others. A lot of people actually think that Troy is SO nice and that I walk all over him...but that just isn't the case. The man knows his mind, and he isn't going to let me make it up for him...no matter how much I want to.
On a personal note, I have to say that I feel really blessed to be married to such a wonderful man. We bicker, we fight, and we disagree, but we love, and we laugh, and we have the same values and purpose and we're moving together in the same direction. You can't ask for more than that.
And to you Troy, I just want you to know that I'M the LUCKY one.
OK. So Denise got it mostly right, but just a few clarifications:
Laundry -- She doesn't realize how lucky she's got it: I ALWAYS put my dirty clothes in the hamper and hang or fold up my clean clothes. It's true she does most of the laundry, but I do a load now and again.
Driving: I am very careful and steady when I drive. I just drive faster than most, but not as fast as the fastest. The question to ask is: Which one of us has been in more accidents?
In truth, I'M THE LUCKY ONE!
Okay, you guys are too sappy for me today. What happened to my sassy Denise???
I posted my responses.
I have to say that I have never noticed that Troy drives crazy.... hmmmm. And you are both lucky because you're the only ones that would put up with each other. Although, I do have to say that I could marry Troy....:) I hope no one takes that wrong... Denise? Denise? Help me out here.
Oh! And I'll have my responses posted by tonight!
How fun to learn all about you and Troy. My answers are up now too!
What a great post, Denise. I will try to respond on my sight, unless it will end up with us fighting. Some of those topics are red hot in our house (we still haven't agreed on how long we were actually dating).
This was fun to read. Thanks for the peek!
And as the seemingly sole single reader, I won't be posting answers ;p
Whenever anyone asks who wears the pants in our family Joseph always replies "I do, but Robbie tells me what pair." He is such a smart man!
I loved reading about you and Troy. I'd never got the low down on how you met each other. It gave me an idea for Valentines Day.-Thanks
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