Saturday, February 2, 2008

Well, It Is MY Blog

I am going to brag a little, so if you aren't interested, please read NO further.

The kids brought report cards home, and I happy to say that ALL were straight A students.

We are very proud of all their hard work and success. (As a side note, we would have been just as proud if it weren't straight A's...but we're happy to be proud of this too.)

Just a little peak into the Beatty family:

In case you didn't know, we are a highly competitve family. Troy and I hate to see the other one win at any game we play, and our children have inherited this competitve streak. All were proud to boast straight A's, but because the accomplishment was shared, they felt the need to compare citizenship and "specials" (PE, Art, French) grades, which are given as S, S-, and S+.

One child did get more S+'s than the other, but for the sake of family unity, we will keep the name confidential.


Kimber said...

I'm happy to see that the kids are keeping up with the Beatty(?) tradition!

Robin said...

Brag away!!!

Paul said...

To encourage the kids to continue the streak, I recommend instilling some type of grading based on the Wii. Would further continue the competitiveness.

Amy said...

I love it when I go to Parent/Teacher conferences and the teachers praise the kids. Our kids all went bowling after this last term because they got straight A's or E's in their case.

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