Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Bump in the Night

So, I just had to share.

We were driving in the car today and Becky says, "Mom, I know what sound a squirrel makes."

"You do?"

"Yes. Bump. Bump."

For those of you who don't live in squirrel infested Virginia, that would indeed be the sound a squirrel makes when you run over it. a related story...Becky has taken to asking questions to which she thinks she knows the answer.

When you confirm to her that she was, in fact, right, she says, "Yes. I KNEW it. I'm right. I'm right. I'm right. I'm right. I'm right."

I don't know where she got that from! LOL!


Melanie said...


Robin said...

You're right!

alexandra said...

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha (that's pre-blog for LOL!)

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