Wednesday, July 8, 2009

That's How He Rolls

It has been a great long weekend for us. Troy actually took several days off work and just hung out with us as home. It was so nice.

So, yesterday after scout camp, we took the kids to the pool for one last hurrah with Dad before he headed back to work today.

So the kids and I splashed around, worked on our tans, and generally had a good time.

What was Dad doing, you ask?

um. yeah.

(In case you can't tell...that's his blackberry he's checking as he followed Katie around the pool.)


Lara said...

I hate blackberries.

Monique said...

Oh man, I don't like them either!
Luckily, Theo doesn't have one! We actually need a laptop and internet connection for him to do some serious work, lol! Glad you guys had a relaxing weekend, though!

Hilary said...

My eyes, my eyes... the white, it's blinding. Am I dying? Walk to the light....

Paul said...

The farmer's tan completes the look.

Heather said...

Workaholic husbands - we both have them. :) The dreaded electronic leash, I call them.

Kimber said...

Looks like Troy needs to work on his tan :)

As far as your scouting post, I totally sympathize with you as I am one of the Bear leaders in our ward!

alexandra said...

I second Lara's comment - and add to that laptops, cell phones, etc.

And as far as the lack of a tan goes, get Troy a neck clip for his Blackberry. That would leave a good tan line!

shannon said...

I have a zillion pics of Scott in this very position. How did business role in the pre-blackberry era? Can't we return to those days? Curse the blackberry!

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