Friday, July 31, 2009

Peeping Tom

My friend Lara wrote this post about the crazed wild life in her window.

Well...not to be outdone...we have crazed wildlife of our own.

This little guy has taken up residence around our house.

He started out just sitting in the window in the family room...watching as we hung out in front of the tv...or took meals in the kitchen.

But lately...he has started to look for me in the other rooms of the house...and often sits in the window of the bathroom...just watching.

I guess I wasn't paying enough attention to him because he has taken to pecking on the window until I notice him. I the only one who thinks this is creepy?


M said...

any chance this is a person you knew in a past life? :)

Or a neighbor under a magic spell?

alexandra said...

At least it's a pretty bird.

Lara said...

I would have thought it was the same bird with its bold, perverted ways, but your crazed wildlife is much prettier than mine was.

Jamie said...

That is so weird!

Puhlman said...

AHHH I think that is adorable. It's just lonely. Maybe open a window and see if it comes in.

Jeff said...

Seems like a Twilight Zone moment to me. :-)

Unknown said...

Could he be a domesticated bird that someone set free? Yes, wildlife that wants the attention of humans..definitely creepy.

Andrea said...

I just witnessed this bird trying to talk to Denise. Seriously. Really creepy.

akh said...

Gorgeous little American Goldfinch. I'm guessing he's reacting to his reflection in the window. The territorial buggers think the reflection is another bird and often "attack" the reflection, trying to scare away the intruder. Have fun ;)

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