Sunday, November 14, 2010

Even When It Hurts

I did something I have never had to do before yesterday.

I sent Troy to do the shopping.

He had to go buy 2 new pair of shoes for the kids.
Do a costco run.
And do the grocery shopping.

I was a little worried.

Occasionally, he does milk and cereal runs, and he will come home with all kinds of crazy stuff -- especially if he's hungry.

So...with the major shopping to do, I just wasn't sure.

I think it was mostly a success.

You know.

Except for the three phone calls while he was out, the fact that of the two pairs of shoes he came home with -- only one was for the kids, and he pooped out after costco.

Oh yeah, since he was hungry, there were a few extras purchases,

I think he should have eaten before he left the house.

Lesson learned.

 ps. lest he think me totally ungrateful, he has done a great job of being mr. mom. I do appreciate it!


Lara said...

I'm having a hard time imagining trying to take care of a busy house and six kids with a broken ankle and it sounds MISERABLE (and near impossible). I hope you heal quickly and get lots of help from the kids, Troy, and the ward! You deserve it!

iKari Designs said...

Anytime Steve runs to the store for me he brings home the wrong thing. Every.time. I think he does it on purpose so I won't ask for help ;)

Paulette said...

You have been in our thoughts and prayers. Get better quick. Love ya.

Kimber said...

So sorry about the ankle :( I hope it mends quickly!

Hilary said...

Uh, I'd die.
Drew never shops.
And sometimes God forces us to take a break. Really try and enjoy it. Get hulu. :D

And perhaps something sexual would be a nice story for the ankle... ;)

Bringhurst Family said...

One time I sent Brandon to the store for about 6 things and he called me and stayed on the phone the entire time asking questions.

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