Monday, December 31, 2007

Families are Forever

Troy and I and Katie just got back from Grandma Wulffenstein's funeral in Hurricane, Utah. It was a quick trip in and a quick trip back, but well worth it! Katie was a trooper - she slept for most of the plane rides and all of the funeral. You can't ask for better than that!

The funeral was just beautiful - exactly what I want when I go - short talks full of laughter and lots of music. The speakers all did a wonderful job - especially my mother-in-law. She is a woman of many talents, but I had no idea what a wonderful speaker she is.

My favorite thing that she said was when she read from Grandma's patriarchal blessing. It said that she was the kind of woman whose children, and whose children's children would one day rise up and call her blessed. This could not be more true! I hope that this is something that will one day be said about me.

It was so great to see all of our extended family. Troy and I haven't been able to see the aunts and uncles and cousins for YEARS. Everyone looks so great and I cannot believe how the family has grown. Everyone that was little when Troy and I married are all big now, and many have married and have children of their own. Time doesn't stand still for anyone.

We had a little family reunion the day before the funeral. We have a family tradition of doing this crazy dance that is called Tooty Tot. This is my mother-in-law Marietta caught mid-dance. I have another great one of my sister-in-law Paulette doing the dance, but I am saving that one as something I might be able to blackmail her with.

I also wanted to say that I am really grateful for good friends, who stepped in the take care of the kids so that we could make the trip. Anne and Ben took Mikayla, Emma, Joe, and Becky. Rob and Andrea took Josh. They said everyone was good, but it's still a J-O-B to take care of other people's children - so we are really thankful that the good friends we have are so willing to be there for us during our times of need.

This is Katie with her cousin Joy.

This is Katie (Katelyn Eva) with her namesake Aunt Eva.

This is Paulette with her newest grandson Kody.


The Perkins said...

Yeah! I am so glad you guys have a blog. Now we can feel a little closer:), and get to see the kiddos in pictures more often :). So glad you guys came for the funeral, it was fun to see ya even if it was short.

Hilary said...

VERY nice of people to take your kids. Very cool to have friends like that. :) fo sho.

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