Sunday, March 7, 2010

Holy Smokes.

We had some excitement at our house yesterday.

While I was attending Melanie's baby shower...our dishwasher caught on fire.

Thank goodness Troy was home...he had the presence of mind to run downstairs and turn off the power to the house, thus containing the fire to the dishwasher itself.

The dishwasher is a lost cause and our house still smells like burnt plastic. But that's it.

It's so scary to think about how much worse it could have been.

One minute you have a house and the next minute you don't.

What if Troy had not been home? got me I know how to turn off the power? or the water for that matter? We have talked about what to do in a fire and how to get everyone out of the house, but what if there is something I could do to save our prevent things from getting worse. Do I know how?

I don't...but today I am going to learn.

Will you take some time and learn too?


Mariko said...

That baby is even causing trouble in the Beatty's home...

I am glad that everyone was safe and that your home is ok! And I hope you get an upgrade of a dishwasher. You know, one that doesn't catch on fire...

alexandra said...

One day I was sitting at the table eating breakfast - the older kids had just left for the bus and the younger kids were off playing - and out of the corner of my eye I saw one of the plastic covers from one of the under-cabinet lights drop off and land in the toaster.

Well, we've got one of those vintage toasters and the reason we have it is because Jeff loves the fact that all you have to do is set the bread in the toaster and it will automatically lower the bread into the toaster to toast it.

I jumped across the room, frantically turned the toaster upside down, extricated the puck light cover, and then sat down contemplating if our house would have burned down had I gone across the street to wait with my kids for the bus.

Funny how those seemingly little things can save you. Glad you still have a house, even if it does smell like burnt plastic!

Melanie said...

I know how to turn the water and power off! But not at your house...

delilas said...

That is the second dishwasher I have heard catch on fire in the last few years. I don't start my dishwasher unless I am home, kind of like the dryer. I was always starting the dishwasher at the last minute before leaving on a trip, but not anymore.
I would of not thought to shut the power off to the house. What a blessing!!!

Emily Merchant said...

Aack! Glad all is okay. Well, except the dishwasher, that is.

Charlene said...

Good to know and learn!! I guess I will be talking with Roger about it!! He will be thrilled to show me!!

Hilary said...

Denise, how did it catch on fire?
We once had a cup land on the element and it did some pretty good smoking... but that was it.
Inquiring minds want to know (I also think paying tithing saves us from a whole world of hurt... one, I'd rather not think about).

Denise said...

It was the actual electrical panel of the dishwasher.

Troy said...

I'll teach you where the fuse box is. In fact, I actually just turned off the power to the Dishwasher....We continued to have power in the rest of the house.

Regardless, I'm gald it wasn't worse (and that someone was home!)

Also, in doing a quick search online, it turns out this is very common thing for many dishwashers....a number of them have been recalled by various manufactures. (But not ours....!)

lbugsh2 said...

Scott recommended you stop washing matches. He says they are not reuse able.

We are glad things are okay. Let us know if you need anything.

Lara said...

Wow, what a scary experience. That was some good quick thinking on Troy's part. I'm not sure that turning off the breakers would have been the first thing I thought of in that scary situation. I'm glad everything turned out as well as it did.

The Beatty Beehive said...

So glad that you are all safe. My Beatty Man brings much peace and comfort nearly on a daily basis. This is "incident" is a good reminder for us all. I am having all of our children here on Sunday (married ones too!!) I think we'll review some emergency basics. Love you!

Courtney (aka cnscraps) said...

okay how creepy scary is this! my husband gets on me all the time about how I should not leave our dishwasher or washer and dryer on when we leave the house. I always use to roll my eyes at him.

now...i'm totally turning them off.

so glad to hear everyone is okay!

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