Monday, February 23, 2009

Nurse Katie

54/365 sick day

Question: What't the best cure for a mom who just doesn't feel well?

Answer: I don't know either, but I promise, it's not my 18 month old.

But, Troy does manage a hail mary at the end of the day.


akh said...

Ooohh, I hope you feel much better soon, D. Sending healthy vibes from SoCal!

Puhlman said...

OK so now I wish I were CLOSER. Are you feeling any better today?

alexandra said...

Sorry to hear you're feeling crappy. Hope you're better soon.

Amberlyn said...

Sorry your not feeling well. It stinks to be sick when your a Mom. The world seems to go on and so do the kids and the house.

I hope you feel better soon!!!

Lucky you got flowers!!! You are loved so much.

Kimber said...

Don't you wish you could take sick days as a mom?

I hope you feel better soon!

Amy said...

Life is not fair to Mom's who are sick. I'm just sure it's the only job where taking a sick day is out of the question.

I wish I were closer so I could help.

Feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

Hope you are feeling better today. At least you weren't a big lame-o like me and stay home sick from church on Sunday!

BTW, LOVE the new table!


Lara said...

Sorry to hear your sick. I hope Katie keeps taking good care of you. ;) Once again I'm impressed with Troy's thoughfulness.

The Johnson's said...

I love your blog. I am debunking? delurking, or whatever they call it to say that it is very cool. Hope you get better soon. Tell Troy I never would have though he would have six children..but maybe again yes. Angela Hinton

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