Friday, January 18, 2008

Stinkin', Rotten Kids

After my sentimental post of yesterday (which, by the way, you should read BEFORE you read this one!), and everyone's nice comments back, it was a sweet reminder that I need to do all that I can to appreciate these days when they are young.

Of course, the joy was short-lived.

When I went downstairs this morning to finish getting ready for my sister-in-law's visit, I found that Becky and Josh had taken markers and ran a nice little circle around the room coloring the walls. They had also colored the computer and all the chairs. Nice.

So today, I will tell you that while I am loving and appreciating them, I am also thinking that they are stinkin', rotten kids (at least while I wash the walls).


The Valentine Fam said...

OH NO! It makes me sick to even think about. Who ever invented markers, obviously wasn't thinking clearly. Happy Scrubing!

Kirsten said...

It is good I read your posts in chronological order and not the order that they appear on the screen. Was the "art work" at least abstract in some way? You may have a Picasso on your hands. I am sure his mother cleaned a lot of walls too!

Kimber said...

I've had one of those weeks with Mathison, and I'm still trying to figure out if he's a rotten little angel,or a wonderful little devil!

Andrea said...

Does Becky want to come over and play?

Sarah said...

Argh!!! Urge to kill rising...

Where are the old pictures?

Amy said...

Why were you cleaning the walls? Here's a sponge... Josh & Becky- get to work! J/K I know it was probably one of those moments when you said,"Run!" and wanted them to stay in their room for hours. I've got 2 words... Magic Eraser. The best invention in the history of moms (and dads, at my house)in the modern world.

Amy said...

Did they at least get to clean off some of their artwork?

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